20 years of registering, distributing and promoting medicines and medical devices.
Registration, pharmacovigilance, distribution, promotion…
S.C. company Top-Pharma has 20 years activity on the pharmaceutical market of the Republic of Moldova and is specialized in the following activities:
Registration of medicines, medical devices and food supplements
- • providing the authorization services as proxies of the external manufacturers
- • performing the functions of Marketing Authorization Holder
Distribution of medicines, medical devices and food supplements
the company has the necessary space, facilities and equipment to ensure the storage and distribution of the goods in accordance with Good Distribution Practice standatds.
Promotion of medicines, medical devices and food supplements
For health professionals to form their own opinion on the therapeutic value of the products from our portfolio, Top-Pharma’s professional team performs the informational and promotional activities, in compliance with national and international ethical standards.
The promotion activity is carried out in:
- • 80% of the districts of Moldova
- • over 500 pharmacies
- • over 300 state and private medical institutions
Pharmacovigilance of medicines, medical devices and food supplements
The company has a system in place for monitoring the safety of medicines on the market through prevention, detection and assessment of adverse reactions to medicines, including those due to medication errors and overdose.
Therapeutic areas
Pediatrics and Neonatology
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Hepatology and Gastrology
Neurology and Psychiatry
Orthopedics and Rheumatology
POLYVAG is the only medicine which contains two patented strains ...
TRIKORTIN is an innovative medicine containing phospholipids of the cerebral ...
MISOFAR vaginal tablets is the only pharmaceutical form of misoprostol, ...
IMUNOGLUKAN is a natural food supplement, containing natural Immunoglukan® and ...
SEDOXIL is an innovative benzodiazepine medicine with a long half-life, ...
ASPECTON® Cough Syrup is a medicine containing an herbal active ...
Information about drug safety
Pharmacovigilance is the science and activities related to the detection, evaluation, understanding and prevention of adverse effects or any other problem related to medicines.
About us
We are a pharmaceutical company focused mainly on innovative products, in order to register and sell them on the territory of the Republic of Moldova.
Our mission is to enable consumers to choose the most appropriate medicine from the product range. Being properly administered, it can provide the patient with a long and quality life. We achieve this by permanently diversifying our portfolio.
Our vision is to discovering new market opportunities is our long-term development direction.