ASPECTON® Cough Drops is a medicine containing an herbal active ...
VISCOFLU® is a single-use medical device indicated during treatment of respiratory diseases featuring dense and viscous hypersecretion:
Mediosecretory otitis.
VISCOFLU® thins dense and viscous mucus through the physical/ mechanical action of its ingredients:
Pharmacovigilance is the science and activities related to the detection, evaluation, understanding and prevention of adverse effects or any other problem related to medicines.
ASPECTON® Cough Drops is a medicine containing an herbal active ...
OTILIN MARIN® SEPTINAZAL is a nasal wash solution for colds ...
FLORBIOTIC BABY is a probiotic product with natural antidiarrheal action, ...
FLORBIOTIC Colics is a probiotic in drops without taste and ...
SEDOXIL is an innovative benzodiazepine medicine with a long half-life, ...
NITOLIC® PREVENT PLUS is a medical device used for the ...